Recent Past Accompanists



For the Joint Choir Concert performance of Carmina Burana Concert in April 2024, the roles of Musical Director and Accompanist were shared by Rebecca Johnson and Jeremy Harbottle.

Both are talented pianists as well as Cello players, so are versatile and can work well together, with good organisational skills. These attributes were invaluable in ensuring that the joint venture of the six choirs singing Carmina Burana, accompanied by a full orchestra, was a tremendous success.

Jeremy was Musical Director for the concert itself, and Rebecca played her cello in the orchestra.

Angela Hannaford

Angela studied recorders and piano at the Welsh College of Music and Drama.

Her early employment included working in the music retail industry, the positions of church organist and dancing school pianist, private instrumental teacher, freelance accompanist as well as for the South Yorkshire Police Male Voice Choir.

Angela started with the society in February 2023, but left in December 2023 for personal reason.

Nicola Tayler

Nicola studied at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama on the M.Mus Repetiteur course. After a spell as a freelance ballet pianist in the UK and Tasmania, she relocated to the North East where she worked as a music teacher at Red House School for 15 years.

In 2018, she was offered a position at the Royal Ballet School, playing for the Associate programme in Newcastle.

She also accompanies several local choirs and musical theatre societies.

Nicola started with the society in April 2022 but left in January because of pressure of other commitments.

Helen Kirk

Helen started with the society in March 2016.

She left Guisborough Choral Society in March 2022 when promotion at work meant, sadly, that she could no longer spare the time to work with GCS.

Margaret Heaton

Margaret left Gusiborough Choral Society in March 2016, after many years of dedicated service with the Society, to concentrate on her other activities and her private piano business.



Bill Colombi - Profile